Every Child Appreciated
Every Child Engaged

When I discovered Jung’s work with psychological types I knew I found an incredible tool for achieving that path to understanding.

Using type as a framework I became a certified user of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and a Master Practitioner. I trained multiple teams in the administration and use of the instrument. All the while I knew that the concepts that were so helpful to adults would also be powerful tools for children.

As a result I co-authored an instrument for children to measure these same concepts.

The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator is a self-report tool for children ages 7-18. I began working with children and type when I was an elementary school counselor. The children convinced me of the authenticity of the information for them and my new goal became finding a way to provide this information to teachers, parents, and children.

I have worked with educators, families, and students across the US and in countries as Singapore, China, South Africa, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. My work is featured in articles in the Bulletin of Psychological Type, the Journal of Psychological Type, and a referred journal, the Journal of Analytical Psychology.

I served as Education Interest Area Coordinator, Vice-President, and President of the Association of Psychological Type. I delivered multiple conference presentations including some keynote speeches. My continuing research is to videotape samples of type in children to demonstrate how type expresses itself in development. Watching the personality develop over the lifespan and sharing those observations with others is a key element of my work.

Recently, I wrote a series of children’s stories to demonstrate type differences so students could use literature as a source of learning and understanding. These stories are a great opening for children to discover their best way and the best ways of others. This awareness leads to a better appreciation of differences and a respect for the multiple ways to reach an objective.

I love working with the symbolism in dreams, in stories, and in fairy tales. I have studied dream interpretation and dream tending as well as the analyses of fairy tales. I even wrote a fairy tale.

My hope is that I will continue to be enlightened to the ways of child development and I will share this knowledge with teachers and parents and children to bridge the relationships in our lives and inspire the best in each other.

Read My Latest Book

Knowing Me Knowing You

This book is a treat for all readers. In groundbreaking style, book introduces type differences through original stories.

Characters model their best way to solve problems, work with friends, cope with life issues, and form relationships. Each story is complete so children can choose which story they want to read.